Meet Alanna Roberts, the creative force behind Raw Beauty Creative. From a young age, I was captivated by the magic of storytelling, a gift passed down to me by my grandfather. Growing up as a serial artist, I discovered my passion for sharing stories through any means possible.
At just 13 years old, I fell head over heels for photography and writing. As a homeschooled kid with boundless creativity and a supportive family, it was commonplace to find me burning the midnight oil, crafting short stories or editing snapshots taken with my mom's trusty Canon point-and-shoot camera. Back then, PicMonkey was my faithful companion, though we've since gone our separate ways—opting for more sophisticated tools to elevate the stories I tell today!
My journey to where I am today has been a winding one, marked by diverse experiences that have all led me here. From my beginnings as a hairstylist, where I honed my skills in marketing and design to nurture my client base, to collaborating with small businesses and non-profits to amplify their brands and narratives—photography has been the constant thread weaving through every chapter of my career. Whether I was meticulously editing images to restore their true vibrancy or capturing candid moments in various settings, I was always behind the lens, crafting visual stories.
Embracing the title of "photographer" was a leap of faith, accompanied by bouts of imposter syndrome. Yet, it has proven to be one of the most rewarding decisions of my life, pushing me to grow in ways I never imagined possible.
Today, I have the privilege of immersing myself in the raw, authentic beauty of people's lives and stories. Reflecting on how far I've come as a storyteller fills me with gratitude for everyone who has supported and entrusted me with their narratives.
Are you ready to embark on the next chapter of your story? Let's connect and explore how we can collaborate to capture and celebrate your unique journey!
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